One very crucial step in preparing your paint and surfaces for the best polishing results is the Clay Bar!
These bonded contaminants like Over spray, Bug Splatter, Fuel Fallout, Black Carbon Deposits, Sap and Tar and other nasties that lodge themselves onto your paint consistently build up over time. Even brand new cars suffer from this due to sitting on wharf’s, transport yards and even over spray from the manufacturing process.
These contaminants and tiny little particles embed themselves into your paint and cannot be removed by conventional washing techniques. They hinder the ability to see true potential of your paints reflection, make the paints surface rough and make it very dangerous to polish over!
- Joybond Industries Japan are the original manufacturer of Clay bars and held the Patent for the Automotive detailing industry since 1993.
- From the original creators, this Japanese 200g Clay from Joybond Industries in Japan is the highest quality and original organic clay you can find anywhere in the world!
- Use it over and over again and ensure your paint and surfaces have been decontaminated thoroughly and from an original source of history!
- Quickly, Safely and Easily Remove Contaminants and Fallout
- Japanese Raw Materials and Manufacturing
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